Kiwi Car Pairs
Kiwi Card Pairs is an easy travel game to play, and it can be played by more than two players, which makes it a great game for a full car or van on a classic Kiwi road trip.
Got a long drive ahead of you with a car full of kids? Looking for travelling games to help keep them occupied? Kiwi Car Pairs could be just what you are looking for.
It’s simple to play. Look out the car window for a matching image to one of the three cards you have in your hand.
There are three different options for scoring the game, depending on the age of the children travelling and playing, and how easy you want to make the gam
The Kiwi Car pairs cards have the additional benefit of helping younger kids with their reading the same way as flash cards. Each of the game cards has a picture of the item the kids are looking for, and the item name printed on it.
RRP $20
What’s included?
Each Kiwi Car Pairs travel game contains 40 playing cards, and a sheet that explains the rules.
How to Play
Setting up the game
Shuffle the cards and place the pack face down (logo facing up).
Dish out three cards to each player.
Playing the game
Look out the car window for a matching image to the cards you have in your hand.
When you match a card, take that card and place it somewhere safe.
Take another card and carry on matching the cards in your hand.
Always keep three cards in your hand.
Stop when a player has no cards left.
Game 1: Count all the cards each player has matched - highest number of cards wins!
Game 2: Count up the card scores (from the top right corner of each card) you have matched. The highest score wins!
Game 3: An alternative game option is to divide up the cards before you begin to play. One pile of high numbered cards, and one pile of low numbered cards. Give the low numbers to little children, high numbers to adults/older children. Highest number of cards wins!